Pro American Policy is Now Pro Bitcoin Policy

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The Bitcoin 2024 Conference in Nashville has benchmarked a new chapter in American Policy.

The Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville marked a historic moment in the intersection of cryptocurrency and American politics. With the theme “Bitcoin is now American Policy,” the event drew unprecedented attention, including speeches from two presidential candidates—Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The presence of a former U.S. president and the national spotlight on the event signaled that Bitcoin has firmly entered the mainstream political discourse.

Trump’s Historic Appearance

Former President Donald Trump’s keynote speech was the highlight of the conference. As the first former president to speak at a Bitcoin conference, Trump brought significant visibility to the event, underscored by the large turnout of mainstream media. His appearance was delayed due to heightened security measures, but when he finally took the stage, he delivered a message that resonated deeply with both the Bitcoin community and the larger crypto community as a whole.

Trump began by drawing a parallel between Bitcoin and the steel industry of the early 20th century, noting Bitcoin’s rapid growth over just 15 years: “In just 15 years, Bitcoin has gone from merely an idea posted anonymously on an internet message board to being the ninth most valuable asset anywhere in the world.” This statement underscored Bitcoin’s rise from obscurity to a globally significant financial asset.

The former president articulated his vision for American leadership in emerging technologies, stating, “I want the U.S. to be first in science, first in technology, first in manufacturing, first in AI, and first in space.” Trump emphasized that embracing Bitcoin was essential to maintaining America’s global leadership, warning, “If we don’t do it, China’s going to be doing it, others are going to be doing it. Let’s do it and do it right.”

In a direct critique of the current administration, Trump called out the current “war on crypto and Bitcoin,” reiterating how the government has targeted banks and financial services associated with cryptocurrency. He promised to reverse these policies on his first day in office, pledging to fire SEC Chairman Gary Gensler and end “Operation Choke Point 2.0,” ensuring that Bitcoin jobs and businesses remain in the U.S. We couldn’t have been happier to hear it.

Trump also outlined his plans to establish a Bitcoin and Crypto advisory council and opposed the implementation of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). He proposed a regulatory framework for stablecoins to maintain U.S. dollar dominance globally. In a notable moment, Trump vowed to stop the government from selling seized Bitcoin, instead creating a strategic national Bitcoin stockpile. He also repledged to commute the sentence of early Bitcoiner Ross Ulbricht to time served.

Lastly, he offered a simple piece of advice, close to hearts of bitcoiners: “Never sell your Bitcoin.”

RFK Jr.’s Vision for Bitcoin

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. also delivered a powerful keynote, reflecting his deep commitment to Bitcoin and its potential to revolutionize the economy and restore individual freedoms. Unlike Trump’s broader, strategic vision, RFK Jr.’s speech was more focused on integrating Bitcoin into the U.S. financial system through specific policy proposals.

RFK Jr. pledged to transfer approximately 200,000 Bitcoin held by the U.S. government to the U.S. Treasury as a strategic asset and directed the Treasury to purchase 550 BTC daily until the U.S. accumulates a reserve of at least 4 million Bitcoins. He also proposed tax exemptions for Bitcoin transactions and treated Bitcoin as an eligible asset for 1031 exchanges in real estate transactions.

Kennedy’s speech was a love letter to the Bitcoin community, as he praised the values of liberty, decentralization, and personal responsibility that Bitcoin embodies. He addressed concerns about Bitcoin mining’s environmental impact, asserting that the industry incentivizes green energy production. He closed with a powerful statement: “Bitcoin is the currency of freedom, the currency of liberty, the currency of hope. It restores self-sovereignty back to the individual, which is the whole purpose of American democracy.”

A New Era for Bitcoin and American Politics

The conference also saw participation from many other prominent figures, including Senator Cynthia Lummis, who proposed a historic bill to establish a strategic Bitcoin reserve for the United States. Her proposal included a 1-million-unit Bitcoin purchase program, aiming to secure a 5% stake in the total Bitcoin supply, funded by diversifying existing Federal Reserve and Treasury funds.

The attendance of ten sitting Senators and Congressmen, along with the notable presence of figures like Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron Paul, underscored the growing alliance between the America First movement and the Bitcoin community. This political alignment signals that Bitcoin is no longer just a niche interest for libertarians but has entered the mainstream of American political strategy.

While Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris was asked to speak at the conference, she ultimately declined, reaffirming the current administration’s stance that “Bitcoin is for criminals.” However, the momentum generated by Trump, RFK Jr., and others at the conference indicates that Bitcoin is here to stay as a central issue in American politics.


The Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville was more than just a gathering of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency enthusiasts; it was a declaration that Bitcoin is now a key component of American policy. With leaders like Trump and RFK Jr. championing its cause, Bitcoin’s role in shaping the future of the U.S. economy and its position on the global stage has never been more significant. Whether one celebrates or critiques this new stage of adoption, the message from Nashville is clear: Bitcoin has arrived in the corridors of power, and it’s not going away.

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ohn "John D" Donovan is the dynamic Tech Editor of News Bytes, an authoritative source for the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Born in Silicon Valley, California, John's fascination with digital currencies took root during his graduate studies in Information Systems at the University of California, Berkeley.

Upon earning his master's degree, John delved into the frontier of cryptocurrency, drawn by its disruptive potential in the realm of finance.
John's unwavering dedication to illuminating journalism, his deep comprehension of the crypto and blockchain space, and his drive to make these topics approachable for everyone make him a key part of Cryptosphere's mission and an authoritative source for its globally diverse readership.