Did Satoshi Nakamoto Just Win A Huge Court Case?

First, it would be essential to prove whether or not it was, in fact, Satoshi Nakamoto in the courtroom. Craig Wright has made that claim over the years and has even tried to prove a brilliant company of people. But, they are still skeptical of the real identity of the inventor of Bitcoin.

When Dave Kleiman passed away in 2013 at his home in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, Craig Wright was left standing with what could possibly be over one million Bitcoin, about $50 billion today. Half of that would have been Kleiman’s, but no one was aware of that at the time except, of course, Craig Wright himself. The story goes that they had mined the Bitcoin together. But Wright was saying so much more than that.

In 2015, two separate stories emerged in both WIRED and Gizmodo reporting that Wright claimed Satoshi Nakamoto. Of course, there was instant skepticism. But there was also support as experts like Gavin Andresen and Jon Matonis believed him.

It was all just a matter of time until the Kleiman estate would have something to say about all this. After all, there were billions of dollars at stake. In 2018, Dave’s brother Ira Kleiman brought forth a lawsuit claiming that the Kleiman estate owned half of that fortune. Now, Wright was in a pickle. If he is Satoshi Nakamoto, will he have to give up half his wealth to his former partner’s estate? But more importantly, will the world find out how much of a fraud Craig Wright actually is?

Those were the stakes as the suit went before the court in Miami, Florida. But, of course, the jury wasn’t asked to decide whether or not they believe Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, but only if a business relationship had actually existed that would entitle the estate to any fortune they had created together. However, people were waiting on the court to make Wright prove his claims.

The jury ultimately decided with Wright, allowing him to keep the entire fortune. However, the jury did make a $100 million decision that awards W&K Info Defense Research LLC for a breach of intellectual property. And this is what the Bitcoin world is waiting on. Will the coin stash be touched to pay that fine, or will Wright find another way? That would be the proof the world is waiting for!

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